Atılım Üniversitesi'ne özel dersler, soru çözümleri ve çıkmış sorular seni bekliyor. Hemen üye ol ve ücretsiz midterm dersini dene.
Ücretsiz Dersi AlCMPE kodlu derslerden en zorlayıcısı olarak ün salmış bu derste C++ dilinin temellerini tekrar edip gözden geçiriyoruz, sonrasında ise Recursion, Linked Lists ve Stack gibi veri yapılarını inceliyoruz.
Merak etme Atılım, burada da biz varız!
C++ Review: Pointers
Definition and Decleration
Assignment and Dereference
Be Careful!
Pointer of Pointers - new Keyword
Pointers with Arrays
sizeof() - malloc() - free()
delete Keyword
Pointers as Function Parameters
Pointers of Functions
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
C++ Review: Arrays
Static Array vs Dynamic Array
2D Static Arrays
2D Dynamic Arrays
Efficiency of Pointers
Example 1
Example 2
C++ Review: Classes and Operator Overloading
Topic-wide Example: Set Class
Copy Constructors
this Keyword
Assignment ( = ) Operator
Add Assignment ( += ) Operator
Addition ( + ) Operator
Addition ( + ) Operator : with a Foreign Object
Add Assignment ( += ) Operator : with a Foreign Object
Equality ( == ) Operator
Output Stream ( << ) Operator
Iterators 1
Iterators 2
C++ Review: Template Functions/Classes
Function Overloading
Template Functions - 1
Template Functions - 2
Template Classes - 1
Template Classes - 2
C++ Review: Inheritance
New Classes from Old Ones
Access Control Under Inheritance
Access to Private Members of Base Class
Constructors/Destructors Under Inheritance
Some Important Points
Copy Constructors Under Inheritance
Polymorphism - 1
Polymorphism - 2
Polymorphism - 3
Virtual Functions
Pure Virtual Functions and Abstract Classes - 1
Pure Virtual Functions and Abstract Classes - 2
Multiple Inheritance
C++ Review Questions
Problem 1 - Part 1
Problem 1 - Part 2
Problem 2 - Part 1
Problem 2 - Part 2
Problem 2 - Part 3
Problem 3
Problem 4
Problem 5
Problem 6
Problem 7
Problem 8
Problem 9
Problem 10
Definition of Recursion
An Example: Factorials
Another Example: Fibonacci Numbers
Another Example: Binary Search Operation
Single Linked List
Some Background Information
What is a linkedlist?
Reminder: Structs
Constructing Linkedlists
Head and Tail Pointers
Printing a Linkedlist
Adding a Node to the End
Adding a Node in between Two Nodes (Add to a Sorted List)
Finding a Node in the List
Deleting a Node
Deleting the List
Example 1 (Parts a-c)
Example 1 (Parts d-e)
Example 2 (Part 1)
Example 2 (Part 2)
Circular Linkedlist
What is a Circular Linkedlist?
Constructing the List
Adding a Node to the Beginning/End
Adding a Node in between Two Nodes (Add to a Sorted List)
Counting Number of Elements
Finding a Node in the List
Deleting a Node
Example 1 (Parts a-c)
Example 1 (Parts d-e)
Example 2 (Part 1)
Example 2 (Part 2)
Doubly Linkedlist
Constructing the List
Adding a Node to the Beginning
Adding a Node In Between two Nodes (Add to a Sorted List)
Adding a Node to End of the List
Deleting a Node from the Beginning
Deleting a Node in between Two Nodes (Deleting from a Sorted List)
Deleting a Node from the End
Finding a Node in the List
Example 1 (Parts a-c)
Example 1 (Parts d-e)
Example 2 (Part 1)
Example 2 (Part 2)
What is a Stack?
Stack Operations
Static Int Stack Implementation
Using StaticIntStack
Dynamic Int Stack
Dynamic Int Stack Implementation
Using DynIntStack
Sample Midterm Questions
Single Linked List
Single Linked List
Single Linked List
Single Linked List
Single Linked List
Doubly Linked List
Doubly Linked List
Circular Linked List 1
Doubly Linked List
Doubly Linked List
Marmara Üniversitesi Bilgisayar Bilimi ve Mühendisliği bölümünden 2019 yılında mezun oldum. C/C++, Java, JavaScript ve TypeScript dillerinde ileri seviye programlama yapıyorum. 2020 yılından beri Software Engineer olarak bir özel şirkette çalışmaktayım. Okuduğum süre içerisinde ve sonrasında Bilgisayar Mühendisliği alanında çeşitli konularda özel ders verdim.
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