MATH 170 (Spring 24)Calculus for Scientists and Engineers IIMidterm

Bilgi biz geldik! Üniversitedeki en zor Matematik dersi olarak kabul edilen Math 102 dersi artık düşündüğün kadar zor değil! Dersimizde önce özet konu anlatımları ve kitaptaki ödev sorularının çözümleriyle öğrenecek, sonrasında son 10 yılın tüm çıkmış sınav sorularıyla antreman yapabileceksin.

Bu dersimizde sunduğumuz içerikler sırasıyla: 1) Analytic Geometry in 3D : Vectors 2)Analytic Geometry in 3D : Planes and Lines 3)Analytical Geometry Before Exam Problems 4)Vector Functions 5)Multivariable Functions (Limits and Continuity) 6)Partial Differentiation (Tangent Plane & Chain Rule) 7)Linear Approximation and Implicit Differentiation 8)Gradient and Directional Derivative 9)Extreme Values and Lagrange Multiplier 10) Double Integrals in Cartesian Coordinates 11)Coordinate Systems 1: Polar Coordinates 12)Analytical Geometry Before Exam Problems 13)Double Integral: Exam like Questions 14)Triple Integrals


Ders Tanıtımı

Unicourse Birebir Sorular


Domain of Multivariable Functions

Level Curves

Level Curves and Level Surfaces

Graphs of Surfaces


Limits of Multivariable Functions 1


Limits of Multivariable Functions 2

Limits of Multivariable Functions 3

The Squeeze Theorem

Continuity of Multivariable Functions

Limits with Polar Coordinates

Limit Definition of Partial Derivative

Partial Differentiation Rules 1

Partial Differentiation Rules 2

Higher Order Partial Differentiation

Implicit Differentiation I

Implicit Differentiation II

Implicit Differentiation III

Implicit Higher Differentiation

Chain Rule 1

Chain Rule 2

Chain Rule 3

Equation of a Tangent Plane 1

Equation of a Tangent Plane 2

Horizontal Tangent Plane


Normal Vector to a Multivariable Function

Limit of Multivariable Functions 1

Limit of Multivariable Functions 2


Limit of Multivariable Functions 3

Limit of Multivariable Functions 4

Limit of Multivariable Functions 5

Limit of Multivariable Functions 6


Limit of Multivariable Functions 7

Limit of Multivariable Functions 8

Limit of Multivariable Functions 9

Limit of Multivariable Functions 10

Continuity 1

Continuity 2

Definition of Partial Derivative 1

Definition of Partial Derivative 2


Partial Derivative 1

Partial Derivative 2

Partial Derivative 3

Partial Derivative 4

Partial Derivative 5


Partial Derivative 6

Higher Order Differentiation 1

Higher Order Differentiation 2

Higher Order Differentiation 3

Higher Order Differentiation 4

Higher Order Differentiation 5

Tangent Plane 1

Tangent Plane 2

Tangent Plane 3

Tangent Plane 4

Tangent Plane and Normal Line 1

Tangent Plane and Normal Line 2

Tangent Plane and Normal Line 3

Chain Rule 1

Chain Rule 2

Chain Rule 3

Chain Rule 4

Chain Rule 5

Chain Rule 6

Chain Rule and Tangent Plane

Gradient Vector

Directional Derivative

Gradient and Directional Derivative

Extreme Values

Extreme Values on Restricted Regions 1

Extreme Values on Restricted Regions 2

Optimization With Lagrange Multipliers

Lagrange Multipliers Example-1

Lagrange Multipliers Example-2

Lagrange Multipliers Example-3

Gradient and Tangent Plane 1

Gradient and Tangent Plane 2

Gradient and Tangent Plane 3

Gradient and Directional Derivative 1

Gradient and Directional Derivative 2

Gradient and Directional Derivative 3

Gradient and Directional Derivative 4

Gradient and Directional Derivative 5

Gradient and Directional Derivative 6

Gradient and Directional Derivative 7

Extreme Values 1

Extreme Values 2

Extreme Values 3

Extreme Values 4


Extreme Values 5

Extreme Values 6

Extreme Values on Closed Region 1

Extreme Values on Closed Region 2

Extreme Values on Closed Region 3

Extreme Values on Closed Region 4

Extreme Values on Closed Region 5


Extreme Values on Closed Region 6

Lagrange Multipliers 1

Lagrange Multipliers 2

Lagrange Multipliers 3

Lagrange Multipliers 4

Lagrange Multipliers 5

Lagrange Multipliers 6

Lagrange Multiplier 7

Intuition: Double Integrals


Volume Calculation with Double Integration

Area Calculation with Double Integral

Sketching the Area of Integration 1

Sketching the Area of Integration 2

Sketching the Area of Integration 3

Reversing the Order of Integration 1

Reversing the Order of Integration 2

Reversing the Order of Integration 3

Cartesian to Polar Coordinates 1

Cartesian to Polar Coordinates 2

Polar to Cartesian Coordinates

Double Integrals in Polar Coordinates 1

Double Integrals in Polar Coordinates 2

Double Integrals in Polar Coordinates 3

Double Integrals in Polar Coordinates 4

Reversing the Order of Integration 1

Reversing the Order of Integration 2

Reversing the Order of Integration 3


Reversing the Order of Integration 4

Double Integral in Polar Coordinate 1

Double Integral in Polar Coordinate 2

Double Integral in Polar Coordinate 3

Double Integral in Polar Coordinate 4

Double Integral in Polar Coordinate 5

Double Integral in Polar Coordinate 6

Double Integral in Polar Coordinate 7

Double Integral in Polar Coordinate 8

Double Integral in Polar Coordinate 9

Double Integral in Polar Coordinate 10


Dorukhan ÖzcanDorukhan Özcan
Co-Founder & CEO

Unicourse şirketinin kurucu ortağıyım. 2016 senesinde Galatasaray Lisesinden mezun oldum. Geçtiğimiz dört sene içerisinde 2000 saatten fazla ders anlattım. Anlattığım dersler sırasıyla; Calculus, Çok değişkenli Calculus, Lineer Cebir, Differansiyel Denklemler, Uygulamalı İstatistik ve Stokastik Modelleme dersleridir. Doping Hafıza şirketinde 2017 - 2022 seneleri arasında CEO danışmanlığı yaptım. Koç Üniversitesi Endüstri Mühendisliği ve Ekonomi çift anadal programını tam burslu olarak, 3.96/4.00 not ortalamasıyla bitirdim. Kadıköy Modalıyım.

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