MAN 216Elements of FinanceMidterm

Online Economics School / Gökhan Işık.

Bu ders ile hem bir sürü soru çözmüş, hem kendini denemiş, hem de konuların püf noktalarını öğrenmiş olacaksın. Kolayca yüksek notlar alabilmen için özenle hazırlanmış video derslerlerimizi izle. Çıkma ihtimali yüksek ve çıkmış soruların soru çözümleriyle sınava en iyi şekilde hazırlan. Hızını sen ayarla. İstediğin yerde hızlandırır, dersleri istediğin kadar tekrar et.


Ders Tanıtımı

Investment and Financing Decision

Real and Financial Assets

Corporate Structure

Financial Managers & Agency Problem

Exam like Question 1

Exam like Question 2

Exam like Question 3

Exam like Question 4

Exam like Question 5

Exam like Question 6

Exam like Question 7


Exam like Question 8

Exam like Question 9

Exam like Question 10

Exam like Question 11

Exam like Question 12

Exam like Question 13

Exam like Question 14

Exam like Question 15

Exam like Question 16

Exam like Question 17

Exam like Question 18

Exam like Question 19

Exam like Question 20

Exam like Question 21


Exam like Question 22

Exam like Question 23

Exam like Question 24

Exam like Question 25

Exam like Question 26

Exam like Question 27

Exam like Question 28

Exam like Question 29

Exam like Question 30

Flow of Savings to Corporation

Financial Markets

Financial Intermediaries

Exam like Question 1

Exam like Question 2

Exam like Question 3

Exam like Question 4

Exam like Question 5

Exam like Question 6-7

Exam like Question 8

Exam like Question 9

Exam like Question 10

Exam like Question 11

Exam like Question 12-13


Exam like Question 14

Exam like Question 15

Exam like Question 16

Exam like Question 17

Exam like Question 18

Income Statement


Balance Sheet

Exam like Question 1-2


Exam like Question 3

Exam like Question 4

Exam like Question 5 to 9


Exam like Question 10-11


Cash Flow Statement

Market Capitalization & Value Added

Profitability Ratios 1

Profitability Ratios 2

Average Tax Rate & Marginal Tax Rate

Exam like Question 1

Exam like Question 2

Exam like Question 3

Exam like Question 4

Exam like Question 5-6


Efficiency Ratios

Exam like Question 7

Exam like Question 8

Exam like Question 9-10


Leverage Ratios

Liquidity Ratios

Dupont System

Exam like Question 11

Exam like Question 12

Sustainable Growth

Exam like Question 13


Exam like Question 14

Exam like Question 15-16


Fundamental Terms

Exam like Question 1

Exam like Question 2



Exam like Question 3

Exam like Question 4

Exam like Question 5

Exam like Question 6


Exam like Question 7

Exam like Question 8

Annual Percentage Rate & EAR

Exam like Question 9

Exam like Question 10

Exam like Question 11

Exam like Question 13

Nominal vs Real Interest

Terms of Bonds

Exam like Question 1

Exam like Question 2

Exam like Question 3

Exam like Question 4

Bond Rate of Return

Exam like Question 5-6


Valuing Stocks 1


Valuing Stocks 2

Valuing Stocks 3

Sample Final Problem 1

Sample Final Problem 2

Sample Final Problem 3

Sample Final Problem 4

Sample Final Problem 5

Sample Final Problem 6

Sample Final Problem 7

Sample Final Problem 8

Sample Final Problem 9

Valuation of the Firm

Growth vs Income Stocks

Market Theories

Sample Final Problem 10


Sample Final Problem 11

Sample Final Problem 12

Sample Final Problem 13

Sample Final Problem 14

Sample Final Problem 15

Sample Final Problem 16

Sample Final Problem 17

Sample Final Problem 18

Sample Final Problem 19

Sample Final Problem 20


Dorukhan ÖzcanDorukhan Özcan
Co-Founder & CEO

Unicourse şirketinin kurucu ortağıyım. 2016 senesinde Galatasaray Lisesinden mezun oldum. Geçtiğimiz dört sene içerisinde 2000 saatten fazla ders anlattım. Anlattığım dersler sırasıyla; Calculus, Çok değişkenli Calculus, Lineer Cebir, Differansiyel Denklemler, Uygulamalı İstatistik ve Stokastik Modelleme dersleridir. Doping Hafıza şirketinde 2017 - 2022 seneleri arasında CEO danışmanlığı yaptım. Koç Üniversitesi Endüstri Mühendisliği ve Ekonomi çift anadal programını tam burslu olarak, 3.96/4.00 not ortalamasıyla bitirdim. Kadıköy Modalıyım.

Gökhan IşıkGökhan Işık

Gökhan Işık olarak yıllardır üniversitelerin yabancı dilde eğitim veren Ekonomi ve İşletme fakültelerindeki öğrencilere yardımcı olmaktayım. Kendimize has anlatım teknikleri ile her üniversite ve ders hocasını ayrı ayrı ele alarak sınavlarda doğrudan hedefe yönelik çalışmalar yapmaktayız.

1299 TL

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Bu ders ile kazanacakların:

  • Okuluna özel hazırlanmış dersler
  • Çıkmış sorular ve çözümleri
  • Örnek sınav soruları
  • İstediğin yerden erişim
  • Tekrar tekrar izleme
  • Kendi hızında öğrenme

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Toplam:2598 TL

1299 TL
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