MATH 102Calculus IIFinal

Üniversitedeki en zor Matematik dersi olarak kabul edilen Math 102 dersi artık düşündüğün kadar zor değil! Dersimizde önce özet konu anlatımları ve kitaptaki ödev sorularının çözümleriyle öğrenecek, sonrasında son 10 yılın tüm çıkmış sınav sorularıyla antreman yapabileceksin.

Bu dersimizde sunduğumuz içerikler sırasıyla: 1) Double Integrals in Cartesian Coordinates 2)Coordinate Systems 1: Polar Coordinates 3)Analytical Geometry Before Exam Problems 4)Double Integral: Exam like Questions 5)Triple Integrals 6)Double or Triple Integrals 7)Coordinate Systems 2: Cylindrical Coordinates 8)Triple Integrals in Cylindrical Coordinates 9)Coordinate Systems 3: Spherical Coordinates 10)Triple Integrals in Spherical Coordinates 11)Triple Integral : Cylindrical or Spherical or Cartesian


En sevilenler

  1. 2Eğitmen Anlatım Tarzı
  2. 2Yardımcı Örnek Sorular
  3. 1Ders Organizasyonu


Ders Tanıtımı

Extreme Values

Extreme Values on Restricted Regions 1

Extreme Values on Restricted Regions 2

Optimization With Lagrange Multipliers

Lagrange Multipliers Example-1

Lagrange Multipliers Example-2

Lagrange Multipliers Example-3

Extreme Values 1

Extreme Values 2

Extreme Values 3

Extreme Values 4

Extreme Values 5

Extreme Values on Closed Region 1

Extreme Values on Closed Region 2

Extreme Values: Restricted Region 3

Extreme Values: Restricted Region 4

Extreme Values: Restricted Region 5

Extreme Values on Closed Region 6

Lagrange Multipliers 1

Lagrange Multipliers 2

Lagrange Multipliers 3

Lagrange Multipliers 4

Lagrange Multipliers 5

Lagrange Multipliers 6

Intuition: Double Integrals

Volume Calculation with Double Integration

Area Calculation with Double Integral

Sketching the Area of Integration 1

Sketching the Area of Integration 2

Sketching the Area of Integration 3

Reversing the Order of Integration 1

Reversing the Order of Integration 2

Reversing the Order of Integration 3

Reversing the Order of Integration 4

Sketching & Reversing the Integration Area

Cartesian to Polar Coordinates 1

Cartesian to Polar Coordinates 2

Polar to Cartesian Coordinates

Double Integrals in Polar Coordinates 1

Double Integrals in Polar Coordinates 2

Double Integrals in Polar Coordinates 3

Double Integrals in Polar Coordinates 4

Exam like Question 1


Exam like Question 2


Exam like Question 3


Exam like Question 4


Exam like Question 5


Exam like Question 6


Exam like Question 7


Exam like Question 8


Exam like Question 9


Exam like Question 10


Exam like Question 11


Exam like Question 12


Exam like Question 13


Exam like Question 14


Exam like Question 15


Exam like Question 16


Exam like Question 17


Exam like Question 18


Exam like Question 19


Exam like Question 20


Exam like Question 21


Introduction to Triple Integrals

Triple Integrals 2

Triple Integrals 3

Important Functions and Their Graphs

Triple Integrals 4

Triple Integrals 5

Triple Integrals 6

Reversing the Order of Triple Integrals

Volume with Double or Triple Integral 1

Volume with Double or Triple Integral 2

Volume with Double or Triple Integral 3

Cylindrical Coordinates 1

Cylindrical Coordinates 2

Change of Variable in Triple Integrals

Change of Variable: Cartesian to Cylindrical

Triple Integral in Cylindrical Coordinates 1

Triple Integral in Cylindrical Coordinates 2

Triple Integral in Cylindrical Coordinates 3

Triple Integral in Cylindrical Coordinates 4

Triple Integral in Cylindrical Coordinates 5

Triple Integral in Cylindrical Coordinates 6

Spherical Coordinates 1

Spherical Coordinates 2

Change of Variable: Cartesian to Spherical

Triple Integral in Spherical Coordinates 1

Triple Integral in Spherical Coordinates 2

Triple Integral in Spherical Coordinates 3

Triple Integral in Spherical Coordinates 4

Triple Integral in Spherical Coordinates 5

Triple Integral in Spherical Coordinates 6

Triple Integral in Spherical Coordinates 7

Triple Integral in Spherical Coordinates 8

Choose your side 1: Spherical or Cylindrical


Choose your side 2 : Cylindrical or Spherical or Cartesian

Choose your side 3 : Cylindrical or Spherical or Cartesian

Choose your side 4 : Cylindrical or Spherical or Cartesian

Spring 2022: Double Integral in Polar Coordinates

Spring 2021: Double Integral in Polar Coordinates

Spring 2023 : Cylindrical,Spherical or Cartesian Coordinates

Spring 2022 : Cylindrical,Spherical or Cartesian Coordinates


Spring 2020 : Cylindrical,Spherical or Cartesian Coordinates

Spring 2019 : Cylindrical,Spherical or Cartesian Coordinates


Spring 2018 : Cylindrical,Spherical or Cartesian Coordinates

Spring 2017: Spherical Coordinates

Change of Variables (Jacobian)

Change of Variables (Jacobian)

Change of Variables (Jacobian)

Spring 2017: Change of Variables (Jacobian)

Spring 2018: Change of Variables (Jacobian)


Extreme Values on Closed Region

Extreme Values on Closed Region

Extreme Values on Closed Regio

Reversing the Order of Integration

Reversing the Order of Integration

Reversing the Order of Integration

Reversing the Order of Integration

Double Integral on Cartesian Coordinates

Double Integral on Cartesian Coordinates

Double Integral on Cartesian Coordinates

Double Integral in Polar Coordinates

Double Integral in Polar Coordinates

Double Integral in Polar Coordinates

Double Integral in Polar Coordinates

Double Integral in Polar Coordinates

Double Integral in Polar Coordinates


Gürkan HocaGürkan Hoca
Öğr. Üy.

Orta Doğu Tekn. Üni.'den derece ile mezun olduktan sonra yüksek lisans ve doktora çalışmalarımı da yurt dışında tamamladım. Ardından aynı üniversitede öğretim üyesi olarak görev yaptım. Üniversite öğrencisi olmanın ne demek olduğunu unutmayarak, dersleri öğrencilerimin gözünden anlatmanın ve onlara özel anlama yolları geliştirmenin önemini çok iyi biliyorum. Öğretmenin aslında bir "sanat" olduğunu biliyorum ve bu sanatı sizlere gösterebilmek için buradayım.

999 TL

Hemen Al

Bu ders ile kazanacakların:

  • Okuluna özel hazırlanmış dersler
  • Çıkmış sorular ve çözümleri
  • Örnek sınav soruları
  • İstediğin yerden erişim
  • Tekrar tekrar izleme
  • Kendi hızında öğrenme

Sıkça birlikte alınan dersler

Toplam:2997 TL

999 TL
Hemen Al