Bu ders ile hem bir sürü soru çözmüş, hem kendini denemiş, hem de konuların püf noktalarını öğrenmiş olacaksın.
Kolayca yüksek notlar alabilmen için özenle hazırlanmış video derslerlerimizi izle. Çıkma ihtimali yüksek ve çıkmış soruların soru çözümleriyle sınava en iyi şekilde hazırlan. Hızını sen ayarla. İstediğin yerde hızlandırır, dersleri istediğin kadar tekrar et.
Introduction to Microeconomics: Part 1
Supply & Demand
Market Equilibrium (Piyasa Dengesi)
Demand'i Etkileyen (Shift Ettiren) Unsurlar
Supply'ı Etkileyen (Shift Ettiren) Unsurlar
Example 1
Example 2
Price Ceiling (Tavan Fiyat) ve Örnek Soru
Price Floor (Taban Fiyat) ve Örnek Soru
Consumer Surplus & Producer Surplus
Introduction to Microeconomics: Part 2
Price Elasticity of Demand
Elasticity and Total Revenue
Practice Problems : Part 1
Practice Problems : Part 2
Cross Price Elasticity & Income Elasticity
Tax Incidence
Örnek Soru - Tax Incidence 1
Cost of Taxation
The Budget Line
Budget Constraint (Bütçe Kısıtı)
Örnek 1: Budget Constraint
Örnek 2: Budget Constraint
Preferences & Utility & Choice
Introduction to Utility Concept
Preferences and Indifference Curves
Choice: MRS and Utility Maximization 1
Choice (MRS and Utility Maximization) 2
Indifference Curves for Perfect Substitutes, Perfect Complements, Neutrals and Bads
Exam Type Question: Utility Maximization
Concave Preferences and Corner Solutions
Lagrange Method (İf it is not included ignore this part)
Problem 1
Problem 2
Demand & Slutsky Equation
Income Effect & Substitution Effect
Price Offer Curve & Individual Demand Curve
Price Offer Curve & Individual Demand Curve Example
Income Offer Curve & Engel Curve
Income Offer Curve & Engel Curve 2
Quasilinear Preferences
Utility and Risk Preferences
Exam Type Questions: Utility and Risk Preferences
Insurance and Risk Premium
Consumer Surplus
Consumer Surplus & Producer Surplus
Consumer Surplus: Cost of Taxation
Örnek 1
Örnek Soru 2
Örnek Soru 3
Market Demand (Elasticity)
Price Elasticity of Demand
Elasticity and Total Revenue
Practice Problems : Part 1
Practice Problems : Part 2
Cross Price Elasticity & Income Elasticity
Point Elasticity of Demand
Income and Cross Price Elasticity (Point)
Sample Midterm Questions
Perfect Substitutes & Demand Curve
Preferences ( Transitivity,Convexity,Monotonicity )
Indifference Curve & Deman Curve
Price Ceiling
Quasi-Linear Preferences & Substitution and Income Effect
Demand for Inferior Good
Indifference Curve & Budget Line
Consumer Surplus
Price Offer Curve & Demand
Monotonic Transformation
Utility Maximization
Demand & Marginal Revenue
Utility Maximizing with Kinked Budget Line
Cost of Taxation
Gökhan Işık olarak yıllardır üniversitelerin yabancı dilde eğitim veren Ekonomi ve İşletme fakültelerindeki öğrencilere yardımcı olmaktayım. Kendimize has anlatım teknikleri ile her üniversite ve ders hocasını ayrı ayrı ele alarak sınavlarda doğrudan hedefe yönelik çalışmalar yapmaktayız.
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