ME 211MidtermThermodynamics I

Bu derste iki hususun korunumunu inceleyeceğiz, 1.

enerjinin 2. ruh sağlığımızın. Bu ders, termodinamiğin temel prensiplerini ve uygulamalarını kapsamlı bir şekilde ele alır. Böylece önemli "şey"lerin korunumunu sağlar.


Ders Tanıtımı

Introductory Concepts and Definitions - 1


Introductory Concepts and Definitions - 2

Introductory Concepts and Definitions - 3

Engineering Design, Analysis & Methodology

Introduction & Engineering Design - 1

Introduction & Engineering Design - 2

Reviewing Mechanical Concept of Energy

The Concept of Work

The Concept of Energy & Energy Balance

Energy Transfer by Heat

Energy Balance for Closed Systems

Energy Analysis of Cycles

Energy Analysis of Cycles - 1

Energy Analysis of Cycles - 2

Energy Analysis of Cycles - 3

Evaluating Properties

p-v-T Relation

Retrieving & Evaluating Thermodynamic Properties

Retrieving & Evaluating Thermodynamic Properties - 1

Specific Internal Energy & Enthalpy

Specific Internal Energy & Enthalpy - 1

Introducing Specific Heats

Approximation for Liquid Properties

Compressibility Chart & Factor

The Ideal Gas Model

Conservation of Mass for a Control Volume

Forms of the Mass Rate Balance

Forms of the Mass Rate Balance - 1

Forms of the Mass Rate Balance - 2

Conservation of Energy for a Control Volume

Evaluating Work for a Control Volume

Forms of the Energy Rate Balance

Forms of the Energy Rate Balance - 1

Nozzles and Diffusers

Nozzles and Diffusers - 1


Turbines - 1

Compressors and Pumps

Heat Exchangers

Heat Exchangers - 1

Throttling Devices

System Integration

System Integration - 1

System Integration - 2

Transient Analysis

Introduction to the Second Law of Thermodynamics

Statements of the Second Law

Irreversible & Reversible Processes

Interpreting the Kelvin–Planck Statement

Applying the Second Law: Power Cycles

Applying the Second Law: Refrigeration & Heat Pump Cycles

Kelvin Temperature Scale

Maximum Performance Measures for Cycles

Carnot Cycle

Clausius Inequality

Second Law Analysis - 1

Second Law Analysis - 2

Second Law Analysis - 3

Second Law Analysis - 4

Second Law Analysis - 5


Anıl Güneş

Anıl Güneş



1299 TL

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  • Üniversitene özel hazırlanmış dersleri izle
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  • Örnek sınav sorularıyla pratik yap
  • Anlamadığın yerleri tekrar et
  • İstediğin yerden eriş
  • Kendi hızında öğren

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