CHE 1001MidtermGeneral Chemistry

Kimyanın temel ilkeleri, atom yapısı, periyodik tablo, kimyasal bağlar, moleküler yapılar, gazlar, sıvılar, katılar, çözeltiler, termokimya, kimyasal denge, asit-baz dengesi ve elektro-kimya gibi konuları birlikte keşfedeceğiz.

Bu ders, sadece kimyanın teorik temellerini öğretmekle kalmayacak, aynı zamanda günlük hayatta karşılaştığınız olayları kimya gözünden nasıl yorumlayabileceğinizi gösterecek. Kimya, dünyaya ve etrafımızdaki olaylara daha anlamlı bir şekilde bakmamıza yardımcı olur. Ayrıca, problem çözme ve analitik düşünme becerilerinizi geliştirecek uygulamalı örnekler ve deneylerle dolu eğlenceli bir öğrenme süreci sunacağız. Fen bilimleri veya mühendislik alanında ilerlemeyi düşünüyorsanız, bu ders size şüphesiz güçlü bir altyapı sağlayacaktır.


Ders Tanıtımı

Macroscopic and Microscopic States


Definition of Chemistry

Classifications of Mixtures

Classifications of Substances

Classifications of Substances

Physical and Chemical Changes

Physical Separation: Distillation

Three States of Matter

Physical Properties: Mass and Volume

Physical Properties: Density

Physical Properties: Density

A Comparison of Temperature Scales

A Comparison of Temperature Scales

Dimensional Analysis in Solving Problems

Dimensional Analysis in Solving Problems

Helpful Prefixes and SI units

Scientific Method

Extensive and Intensive Property

Uncertainties in Scientific Measurements

Measuring Mass of an Object

Significant Figures

Scientific Notation for Expressing Numbers

Rules for Rounding off Numerical Results

Significant Figures in Numerical Calculations

Significant Figures in Numerical Calculations

Portion of an Ionic Crystal and a Formula Unit

Atomic Mass

Atomic Mass

Avogadro’s Number and Molar Mass of an Element

Avogadro’s Number and Molar Mass of an Element

Molecular Mass

Molecular Mass

Percent Composition of Compounds

Percent Composition of Compounds

Experimental Determination of Empirical Formulas

Experimental Determination of Empirical Formulas

Chemical Reactions and Chemical Equations

Chemical Reactions and Chemical Equations

Amounts of Reactants and Products

Limiting Reagents

Limiting Reagents

Reaction Yield

Reaction Yield

General Properties of Aqueous Solutions

Ionic Compounds in Water




Like Dissolves Like

Precipitation Reactions and Solubility


Writing Net Ionic Equations

Writing Net Ionic Equations

Properties of Acids and Bases

Acid-Base Theories

Acid-Base Theories

Acid-Base Neutralization

Acid-Base Neutralization

Reduction-Oxidation Reactions

Oxidation Number

Rules for Oxidation Number

Rules for Oxidation Number

The Oxidation Numbers of Elements in Their Compounds

Types of Redox Reactions

Types of Redox Reactions

Types of Redox Reactions

Redox Half Equations

Concentration of Solutions

Concentration of Solutions

Concentration of Solutions

Dilution of Solutions

Dilution of Solutions

Gravimetric Analysis

Gravimetric Analysis



Redox Titrations

Redox Titrations

Substances That Exists as Gases

Pressure of Gas

Pressure of Gas

The Gas Laws

The Ideal Gas Equation

The Ideal Gas Equation

Density Calculations

Density Calculations

Gas Stoichiometry

Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures

Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures

The Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases

Distribution of Molecular Speeds

Application to the Gas Laws

Application to the Gas Laws

Gas Diffusion and Effusion

Gas Diffusion and Effusion

Deviation from Ideal Behavior

Deviation from Ideal Behavior

The Nature of Energy and Types of Energy

Systems and Surrounding

Heat and Work

Heat and Work



Enthalpy of Chemical Reactions

Enthalpy of Chemical Reactions



Coffee-cup Calorimeter

Coffee-cup Calorimeter

Standard Enthalpy of Formation and Reaction

Standard Enthalpy of Formation and Reaction

Spontaneous Processes and Entropy Relations

Calculation of Entropies

Standard Entropy

Prediction of Sign of Entropy

Prediction of Sign of Entropy

The Second Law of Thermodynamics

Calculations of Standard Entropy

General Rules for Sign of Entropy

Prediction of Sign of Entropy

Prediction of Sign of Entropy

Entropy Changes in the Surroundings

Gibbs Free Energy

Gibbs Energy and Spontaneity

Standard Free-Energy Changes

Standard Free-Energy Changes

Gibbs Energy and Spontaneity

Free Energy and Chemical Equilibrium

Free Energy and Chemical Equilibrium

Free Energy and Solubility Equilibria

Free Energy and Chemical Equilibrium

Free Energy and Equilibrium Constant


Scientific Measurements-Part I

Scientific Measurements-Part II

Chemical Reactions & Stoichiometry-Part I

Chemical Reactions & Stoichiometry-Part II

Chemical Reactions & Stoichiometry-Part III

Chemical Reactions & Stoichiometry-Part IV

Chemical Reactions & Stoichiometry-Part V

Chemical Reactions & Stoichiometry-Part VI

Reactions in Aqueous Solutions

Gases: Density Calculations

Gases: Speed of Gas Molecules

Gases: Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures

Gases: Mixture of Gases Calculations I

Gases: Mixture of Gases Calculations II

Gases: Gas Stoichiometry I

Gases: Gas Stoichiometry II

Thermochemistry-Part I

Thermochemistry-Part II

Thermochemistry-Part III

Thermochemistry-Part IV

Thermochemistry-Part V

Thermochemistry-Part VI

Thermochemistry-Part VII


Beril Yıldız

Beril Yıldız


Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Kimya Bölümü’nden başarıyla mezun oldum. Yüksek lisans boyunca güneş pilleri için konjüge polimer sentezi ve uygulaması üzerine çalıştım. Farklı alanlarda kazandığım deneyimlerle mühendislik ve kimya alanlarındaki becerilerimi birleştirerek sektörde çalışmalarıma devam etmekteyim.Aynı zamanda, hayatımda önemli bir yere sahip olan ve anlatmaktan büyük keyif aldığım Kimya derslerini vermekteyim.

1299 TL

Bu ders ile kazanacakların:

  • Üniversitene özel hazırlanmış dersleri izle
  • Çıkmış soruları ve çözümlerini gör
  • Örnek sınav sorularıyla pratik yap
  • Anlamadığın yerleri tekrar et
  • İstediğin yerden eriş
  • Kendi hızında öğren

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