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Berk Bayram SarıaslanMakine Mühendisliği
Ders Organizasyonu, Verimli Anlatım, Yardımcı Örnek Sorular, Ses ve Video Kalitesi, İçeriğin Görsel Kalitesi
Konuları kavramada çok yardımcı oldu, Math203 zor bir ders bildiğiniz üzere ve okulda dersleri kaçırdıysanız daha da zor olabiliyor. Bu zorluğa rağmen konuları Unicourse sayesinde kavradığımı düşünüyorum
Analytic Geometry in 3D : Vectors
Distance Between Points 1
Cosine Theorem in 3D & Euclidean N-Space
Vectors: Arithmetic, Parallelism and Unit Vector
Angles between Vectors : Dot Product
Vector Projection
Cross Product of Vectors
Applications of Cross Product
Planes and Lines Equations
Plane Equations
Line Equations 1
Line Equations 2
Intersection of Planes
Intersection of Planes and Lines
Distance of a Point to Lines & Planes
Vector Functions
Vector Functions and Curves
Domain of a Vector Function
Limit of a Vector Function
Derivative of a Vector Function
Integral of a Vector Function
Position, Velocity, Acceleration
Position, Velocity, Acceleration 2
Arc Length
Arc Length Parametrization
Tangent, Normal, Binormal Vectors and Curvature, Torsion
Calculation of Tangent, Normal, Binormal Vectors and Curvature, Torsion
Unit Tangent, Unit Normal, Binormal Vectors 1
Unit Tangent, Unit Normal, Binormal Vectors 2
Unit Tangent, Unit Normal, Binormal Vectors 3
Unit Tangent, Unit Normal, Binormal Vectors 4
Curvature 1
Curvature 2
Curvature 3
Curvature 4
Torsion 1
Torsion 2
Limits of Multivariable Functions
Domain of Functions
Level Curves
Limits of Multivariable Functions 1
Limits of Multivariable Functions 2
Limits of Multivariable Functions 3
Continuity of Multivariable Functions
Exam like Question 1
Exam like Question 2
Partial Differentiation
Limit Definition of Partial Derivative
Partial Differentiation Rules 1
Partial Differentiation Rules 2
Higher Order Partial Differentiation
Chain Rule 1
Chain Rule 2
Chain Rule 3
Tangent Plane
Equation of a Tangent Plane 1
Equation of a Tangent Plane 2
Horizontal Tangent Plane
Normal Vector to a Multivariable Function
Linear (Tangent Plane) Approximation
Tangent Plane Approximation
Gradient and Directional Derivatives
Gradient Vector
Directional Derivative
Gradient and Directional Derivative
Implicit Differentiation
Implicit Differentiation I
Implicit Differentiation II
Implicit Differentiation III
Implicit Higher Differentiation
Sample Midterm Part I
Cross Product Applications 1
Cross Product Applications 2
Cross Product Applications 3
Cross Product Applications 4
Planes Equations and Coplanarity
Planes Equations and Coplanarity 2
Intersection of Planes
Angle between Planes
Intersection of Lines
Angle between Lines
Plane and Lines 1
Planes and Lines 2
Plane and Lines 3
Planes and Lines 4
Planes and Lines 5
Distance of a Point to Lines & Planes I
Distance of a Point to Lines & Planes II
Distance of a Point to Lines & Planes III
Distance of a Point to Lines & Planes IV
Position Vectors 1 : Velocity,Speed,Acceleration
Position Vectors 2 : Velocity,Speed,Acceleration
Position Vectors 3 : Velocity,Speed,Acceleration
Position Vectors 4: Velocity, Speed, Acceleration
Parametric Equation for Tangent Line
Parameterization of the Curves 1
Parameterization of the Curves 2
Parameterization of the Curves 3
Parameterization of the Curves 4
Parameterization of the Curves 5
Position Vectors 5: Velocity, Speed, Acceleration
Position Vectors 6: Velocity, Speed, Acceleration
Length of the Curves 1
Length of the Curves 2
Length of the Curve 3
Length of the Curve 4
Length of the Curves 5
Length of the Curves 6
Sample Midterm Part II
Limit of Multivariable Functions 1
Limit of Multivariable Functions 2
Limit of Multivariable Functions 3
Limit of Multivariable Functions 4
Limit of Multivariable Functions 5
Limit of Multivariable Functions 6
Continuity 1
Continuity 2
Definition of Partial Derivative 1
Definition of Partial Derivative 2
Definition of Partial Derivative 3
Tangent Plane 1
Tangent Plane 2
Tangent Plane 3
Tangent Plane and Normal Line 1
Tangent Plane and Normal Line 2
Approximation 1
Approximation 2
Gradient and Tangent Plane 1
Gradient and Tangent Plane 2
Gradient and Tangent Plane 3
Gradient and Directional Derivative 1
Gradient and Directional Derivative 2
Gradient and Directional Derivative 3
Gradient and Directional Derivative 4
Gradient and Directional Derivative 5
Gradient and Directional Derivative 6
Higher Order Derivative 1
Higher Order Derivative 2
Higher Order Derivative 3
Chain Rule 1
Chain Rule 2
Chain Rule 3
Chain Rule 4
Chain Rule 5
Chain Rule 6
Chain Rule and Tangent Plane
Chain Rule and Higher Order Derivative
Implicit Differentiation
(NEW) Fall 2023 Exam Problems
Problem 1
Problem 2
Problem 3
Problem 4
Problem 5
Bonus Problem
(NEW) Spring 2024 Exam Problems
Tangent Plane
Tangent Plane
Unicourse şirketinin kurucu ortağıyım. 2016 senesinde Galatasaray Lisesinden mezun oldum. Geçtiğimiz dört sene içerisinde 2000 saatten fazla ders anlattım. Anlattığım dersler sırasıyla; Calculus, Çok değişkenli Calculus, Lineer Cebir, Differansiyel Denklemler, Uygulamalı İstatistik ve Stokastik Modelleme dersleridir. Doping Hafıza şirketinde 2017 - 2022 seneleri arasında CEO danışmanlığı yaptım. Koç Üniversitesi Endüstri Mühendisliği ve Ekonomi çift anadal programını tam burslu olarak, 3.96/4.00 not ortalamasıyla bitirdim. Kadıköy Modalıyım.
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