PHYS 101Physics IFinal

Bu dersimizde önce Gürkan hocanın anlatımıyla konuyu kolayca öğreneceksin ve ders kitabının bölüm sonundaki en önemli sorularını çözeceksin.

Daha sonrasında geçmiş senelerde çıkmış sınav sorularıyla antreman yapabileceksin. Bu dersimizde sunduğumuz içerikler sırasıyla: Chapter 7: Work and Energy Chapter 8: Conservation of Energy Chapter 9: Linear Momentum and Collisions Chapter 10: Rotational Motion Chapter 11: Angular Momentum and Rigid Body Dynamics


En sevilenler

  1. 1Eğitmen Anlatım Tarzı
  2. 1Verimli Anlatım


Ders Tanıtımı

Work and Kinetic Energy

Exam Like Question 1

Exam Like Question 2

Exam like Question 3

Exam Like Question 4


Exam like Question 5

Exam Like Question 6

Potential Energy and Conservation of Energy

Exam like Question 1


Exam like Question 2

Exam Like Question 3

Exam Like Question 4

Exam Like Question 5


Exam like Question 6

Exam like Question 7

Exam Like Question 8

Exam like Question 9


Exam Like Question 10

Linear Momentum, Impulse and Collisions

Exam like Question 1

Exam like Question 2

Exam like Question 3


Exam like Question 4

Exam like Question 5

Exam Like Question 6


Exam like Question 7

Exam Like Question 8


Exam like Question 9


Exam like Question 10

Rotation of Rigid Bodies

Rolling without Slipping

Moment of Inertia

Energy in Rolling Motion

Exam like Question 1

Exam like Question 2

Exam like Question 3

Exam like Question 4

Exam like Question 5

Exam like Question 6


Exam like Question 7

Exam like Question 8


Exam like Question 9


Exam like Question 10

Exam like Question 11

Exam like Question 12

Exam like Question 13


Exam like Question 14


Exam like Question 15

Exam like Question 16

Exam like Question 17

Dynamics of Rigid Body Rotation

Exam like Question 1

Exam like Question 2

Exam like Question 3

Exam like Question 4

Exam like Question 5


Exam like Question 6


Exam like Question 7

Exam like Question 8

Exam like Question 9

Exam like Question 9

Exam like Question 10

Exam like Question 11

Exam like Question 12

Exam like Question 13

Exam like Question 14


Exam like Question 15

Exam like Question 16

Exam like Question 17

Exam like Question 18

Exam like Question 19

Exam like Question 20

Applying Newton's Law 1

Applying Newton's Law 2


Applying Newton's Law 3


Work and Kinetic Energy 1

Work and Kinetic Energy 2

Work and Kinetic Energy 3

Potential Energy and Conservation 1

Potential Energy and Conservation 2

Potential Energy and Conservation 3


Potential Energy and Conservation 4

Momentum, Impulse and Collisions 1

Momentum, Impulse and Collisions 2

Momentum, Impulse and Collisions 3


Momentum, Impulse and Collisions 4

Momentum, Impulse, and Collisions 5

Momentum, Impulse, and Collisions 6


Momentum, Impulse, and Collisions 7

Momentum, Impulse, and Collisions 8


10 - Dynamics of Rigid Body Rotation

08 - Linear Momentum and Energy

08 - Linear Momentum and Impact

09 - Rotation of Rigid Bodies


09 - Rotation of Rigid Bodies


10 - Dynamics of Rigid Body Rotation and Conservation of Energy


10 - Dynamics of Rigid Body Rotation and Conservation of Energy


Gürkan HocaGürkan Hoca
Öğr. Üy.

Orta Doğu Tekn. Üni.'den derece ile mezun olduktan sonra yüksek lisans ve doktora çalışmalarımı da yurt dışında tamamladım. Ardından aynı üniversitede öğretim üyesi olarak görev yaptım. Üniversite öğrencisi olmanın ne demek olduğunu unutmayarak, dersleri öğrencilerimin gözünden anlatmanın ve onlara özel anlama yolları geliştirmenin önemini çok iyi biliyorum. Öğretmenin aslında bir "sanat" olduğunu biliyorum ve bu sanatı sizlere gösterebilmek için buradayım.

1299 TL

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Bu ders ile kazanacakların:

  • Okuluna özel hazırlanmış dersler
  • Çıkmış sorular ve çözümleri
  • Örnek sınav soruları
  • İstediğin yerden erişim
  • Tekrar tekrar izleme
  • Kendi hızında öğrenme

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Toplam:2598 TL

1299 TL
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