MEF Üniversitesi'ne özel dersler, soru çözümleri ve çıkmış sorular seni bekliyor. Hemen üye ol ve ücretsiz midterm dersini dene.
Ücretsiz Dersi AlÜniversitedeki en zor Matematik dersi olarak kabul edilen Math 116 dersi artık düşündüğün kadar zor değil! Dersimizde önce özet konu anlatımları ve kitaptaki ödev sorularının çözümleriyle öğrenecek, sonrasında son yılların tüm çıkmış sınav sorularıyla antreman yapabileceksin.
Extreme Values
Extreme Values
Extreme Values on Restricted Regions 1
Extreme Values on Restricted Regions 2
Lagrange Multipliers
Optimization With Lagrange Multipliers
Lagrange Multipliers Example-1
Lagrange Multipliers Example-2
Lagrange Multipliers Example-3
Double Integrals in Cartesian Coordinates
Intuition: Double Integrals
Volume Calculation with Double Integration
Area Calculation with Double Integral
Sketching the Area of Integration 1
Sketching the Area of Integration 2
Sketching the Area of Integration 3
Reversing the Order of Integration 1
Reversing the Order of Integration 2
Reversing the Order of Integration 3
Double Integral in Polar Coordinates
Cartesian to Polar Coordinates 1
Cartesian to Polar Coordinates 2
Polar to Cartesian Coordinates
Double Integrals in Polar Coordinates 1
Double Integrals in Polar Coordinates 2
Double Integrals in Polar Coordinates 3
Double Integrals in Polar Coordinates 4
Triple Integrals
Introduction to Triple Integrals
Triple Integrals 2
Triple Integrals 3
Important Functions and Their Graphs
Triple Integrals 4
Triple Integrals 5
Triple Integrals 6
Reversing the Order of Integration
Double or Triple Integral
Volume with Double or Triple Integral 1
Volume with Double or Triple Integral 2
Volume with Double or Triple Integral 3
Triple Integrals in Cylindrical Coordinates
Cylindrical Coordinates 1
Cylindrical Coordinates 2
Change of Variable: Cartesian to Cylindrical
Triple Integral in Cylindrical Coordinates 1
Triple Integral in Cylindrical Coordinates 2
Triple Integral in Cylindrical Coordinates 3
Triple Integral in Cylindrical Coordinates 4
Triple Integral in Cylindrical Coordinates 5
Triple Integral in Cylindrical Coordinates 6
Triple Integrals in Spherical Coordinates
Spherical Coordinates 1
Spherical Coordinates 2
Change of Variable: Cartesian to Spherical
Triple Integral in Spherical Coordinates 1
Triple Integral in Spherical Coordinates 2
Triple Integral in Spherical Coordinates 3
Triple Integral in Spherical Coordinates 4
Triple Integral in Spherical Coordinates 5
Triple Integral in Spherical Coordinates 6
Triple Integral in Spherical Coordinates 7
Triple Integral in Spherical Coordinates 8
Triple Integrals: Cylindrical, Spherical, or Cartesian
Choose your side 1: Spherical or Cylindrical
Choose your side 2 : Cylindrical or Spherical or Cartesian
Choose your side 3 : Cylindrical or Spherical or Cartesian
Choose your side 4 : Cylindrical or Spherical or Cartesian
Exam Practice Part I
Extreme Values
Extreme Values
Extreme Values
Extreme Values
Extreme Values
Extreme Values
Extreme Values on Closed Region
Extreme Values on Closed Region
Extreme Values on Closed Region
Extreme Values on Closed Region
Extreme Values on Closed Region
Extreme Values on Closed Region
Lagrange Multipliers
Lagrange Multipliers
Lagrange Multipliers
Lagrange Multipliers
Lagrange Multipliers
Lagrange Multipliers
Lagrange Multipliers
Exam Practice Part II
Reversing the Order of Integration
Reversing the Order of Integration
Reversing the Order of Integration
Reversing the Order of Integration
Double Integral in Polar Coordinate
Double Integral in Polar Coordinate
Double Integral in Polar Coordinate
Double Integral in Polar Coordinate
Double Integral in Polar Coordinate
Double Integral in Polar Coordinate
Double Integral in Polar Coordinate
Exam Practice Part III
Cylindrical Coordinates
Cylindrical Coordinates
Spherical Coordinates
Spherical Coordinates
Spherical Coordinates
Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates
Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates
Cartesian, Cylindrical and Spherical
Co-Founder & CEO
Unicourse şirketinin kurucu ortağıyım. 2016 senesinde Galatasaray Lisesinden mezun oldum. Geçtiğimiz dört sene içerisinde 2000 saatten fazla ders anlattım. Anlattığım dersler sırasıyla; Calculus, Çok değişkenli Calculus, Lineer Cebir, Differansiyel Denklemler, Uygulamalı İstatistik ve Stokastik Modelleme dersleridir. Doping Hafıza şirketinde 2017 - 2022 seneleri arasında CEO danışmanlığı yaptım. Koç Üniversitesi Endüstri Mühendisliği ve Ekonomi çift anadal programını tam burslu olarak, 3.96/4.00 not ortalamasıyla bitirdim. Kadıköy Modalıyım.
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