Karşınızda Econ 202: Macroeconomics dersimiz! Bu dersimizde ekonomiye bir bütün olarak bakmayı öğreneceksiniz.
Önce GDP, CPI, National Saving, Current Account gibi temel Makroekonomik ölçütleri inceleyeceğiz, ardından da Productivity & Employment ve Consumption & Saving kavramlarıyla ülke ekonomisine bütüncül bir bakış atacağız. Son olarak da Solow Growth Model'i inceleyeceğiz. Bu konuları ve birbiriyle ilişkisini tane tane bir anlatımla öğrenecek ve ardından sınav benzeri sorularla pekiştireceksin. Son olarak da "Midterm - Sample" ile sınava hazır hale geleceksin.
Chapter 1&2: Introduction to Macroeconomics, What Macroeconomists Do
Başlarken Önemli Tüyo
GDP & GNP Kavramları
GDP Calculation
Exam Like Question: Type of Goods
GDP Calculation (Expenditure Method: Y=C+I+G+NX)
GDP Calculation - Expenditure Method (Örnek Soru)
GDP Calculation - Value Added and Income Approach
GDP Calculation - Exam Like Question
Measuring Cost of Living (Consumer Price Index and Inflation)
Fisher Effect (Interest Rate and Inflation Rate)
Exam Like Question: CPI and Fisher Effect
Exam Like Question: Inflation and Fisher Effect
Private Saving, Public Saving and National Saving
Current Account: Relation between S&I
Exam Like Question: Current Account
National Wealth
What is "Business Cycle"
Exam Like Question: Business Cycle
"Classical Approach" Vs. "Keynesian Approach"
Exam Like Question: Classical Approach
Exam Like Question: Keynesian Approach
Exam Like Question: Stagflation & Supply Shock
Chapter 3: Productivity, Output and Employment
Employment and Unemployment Concepts
Example: Employment & Unemployment Calculation
Types of Unemployment
Other Unemployment Concepts
Marginal Product of Labor and Labor Demand
Exam Like Question: Employment & Productivity
Exam Like Question: Productivity, Unemployment, Inflation
Ekonomi için Gerekli Türev Hatırlatması
Return to Scale
Cobb Douglas Production Function
Exam Like Question: Labor Demand
"Labor Demand & Labor Supply" Equilibrium
Exam Like Question 1: NS&ND Equilibrium
Exam Like Question 2: NS&ND Equilibrium
Exam Like Question 3: NS&ND Equilibrium
Analytical Question 1
Analytical Question 2
Chapter 4: Consumption, Saving and Investment
Consumption and Saving Decision
Exam Like Question Part 1: Consumption and Saving Decision
Exam Like Question Part 2: Consumption and Saving Decision
Exam Like Question 2: Consumption and Saving Decision
Saving and Investment Diagram
Determinants of Saving and Investment
Saving and Investment Diagram Example
Investment Demand
Exam Like Question: Investment Demand
Exam Like Question: Ricardian Equivalence
Analytical Question 1
Analytical Question 2
Analytical Question 3
Chapter 5: Saving and Investment in the Open Economy
Saving and Investment in Small Open Economy and Exam Like Question
Saving and Investment in Large Open Economy and Exam Like Question
Exam Like Question 1
Exam Like Question 2
Exam Like Question 3
Analytical Question 1
Analytical Question 2
Chapter 6: Long-Run Economic Growth (Solow Growth Model)
Solow Growth Model
Exam Like Question 1
Exam Like Question 2
Midterm Review Questions
Question 1 (Ch 6)
Question 2 (Ch 3)
Question 3 (Ch 3)
Question 4 (Ch 4)
Question 5 (Ch 5)
Merhaba 2006 yılından bu yana üniversitelerin yabancı dilde eğitim veren Ekonomi ve İşletme fakültelerindeki öğrencilerine yardımcı olmaktayım. 18 yıllık tecrübem ve kendime has anlatım tekniklerim ile her üniversite ve ders hocasını ayrı ayrı ele alarak sınavlarda doğrudan hedefe yönelik çalışmalar yapmaktayım.
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