IE 305SimulationFinal

Endüstriyel simülasyonun hem teorik kısımlarını hem de Arena yardımıyla uygulamalı alanlarını derinlemesine öğreneceğin ve sayısız örnekle tekrar edeceğin bu dersle beraber sınava tamamen hazır ol!


Ders Tanıtımı



Reminder 1

Reminder 2

Method of Moment


Example 1 -Method of Moments (Exponential)

Example 2- Method of Moments (Normal)

Maximum Likelihood Estimation

Example 3 - Maximum Likelihood (Exponential)

Example 4- Maximum Likelihood (Normal)

Example 5 - Mixed (Uniform)


Hypothesis Testing

Generating Null and Alternative Hypothesis Practice 1

Generating Null and Alternative Hypothesis Practice 2

Reject or Not Reject Ho

Hypothesis Testing Example



Example - What is Input ?

Goodness of fit tests



Example -Creating a Histogram

Histogram and Distributions

Chi Square Test

Chi Square Test - Learning with an Example

Kolmogorov Smirnov

Kolmogorov Smirnov Example

Q-Q Plot

Q-Q Plot Example

Unbiased Estimator Question

Method of Moments (Exponential) Question

Method of Moments (Normal) Question

Method of Moments (Poisson) Question

Maximum Likelihood (Exponential) Question 1

Maximum Likelihood (Exponential) Question 2

Maximum Likelihood (for a given pdf) Question 1

Maximum Likelihood (for a given pdf) Question 2

Maximum Likelihood (for a given pdf) Question. 3

Maximum Likelihood (for a given pdf ) Question 4

Maximum Likelihood (for a given pdf) Question 5

Parameter Estimation - Mixed Questions 1 (Bernoulli)

Parameter Estimation -Mixed Questions 2 (Geometric)

Parameter Estimation -Mixed Questions 3 (T/F)

Parameter Estimation -Mixed Question 4 (Uniform)

Hypothesis Testing Question 1

Hypothesis Testing Question 2

Hypothesis Testing Question 3 - Variance

Distribution Types Question

Input Analyzer Question

Chi Square Test - Exponential Question

Chi Square Test - Uniform Question

Chi Square Test - Poisson Question

Chi Square Test - Normal Question

Kolmogorov Smirnov Question 1

Kolmogorov Smirnov Question 2

Kolmogorov Smirnov Question 3

Kolmogorov Smirnov Question 4

Kolmogorov Simirnov Question 5

Q-Q Plot Question 1

Input Analysis - Mixed Questions 1

Input Analysis -Mixed Questions 2

Input Analysis -Mixed Questions 3

Input Analysis -Mixed Question 4

Input Analysis -Mixed Question 5


Linear Congruential Method


LCM Example

Characteristic of a Good Generator

Full Period

Full Period Example

Maximum Period

Maximum Period Example

Maximum Period 2

Maximum Period Example 2

Combined Linear Congruential Generator

Combined Linear Congruential Generator Example

Test for Random Number


Autocorrelation Example


Exponential-Poisson Example

Exponential-Poisson Numeric Example

Homogeneous Poisson Process - Non Homogeneous Poisson Process

Non Homogeneous Poisson Process Example

Non Homogeneous Poisson Process Example 2


Terminating Non-Terminating Simulation


Example 1 - Sample mean , sample standart deviation

Confidence Interval

Comparing two system

Tally - Time Persistent

Non-Terminating Simulation

LCM (LCG) Question 1

LCM (LCG) Question 2

Full Period Question 1

Maximum Period Question 1

LCM (LCG) Mixed Question

Combined Linear Congruential Generator Question

Generating Random Number Mixed Question 1

Independency Test- Autocorrelation Question

Independecy Text Question

Monte Carlo Simulation Question

Random Number Generation + Input Analysis Questions 1

Random Number Generation + Input Analysis Questions 2

Random Number Generation + Input Analysis Question 3

Random Number Generation + Input Analysis -Question 4

Poisson Process Questions 1

Poisson Process Questions 2

Poisson Process Questions 3

Poisson Process Questions 4

Poisson Process Questions 5

Poisson Process Questions 6

Confidence Interval Nonnumeric Question 1

Confidence Interval numeric Question 1

Halfwidth Question 1

Replication Number Question 1

Replication Number Question 2

Comparison of Output Data Between Two Systems Question 1

Comparison of Output Data Between Two Systems Question 2

Comparison of Output Data Between Two Systems 3

Comparison of Output Data Between Two Systems 4

Nonterminating Simulation Open Ended Question 1

Nonterminating Simulation Numeric Question 1

Tally-Time Persistent Statistics Open Ended Questions 1

Output Analysis -Mixed Questions 1

Output Analysis -Mixed Questions 2

Output Analysis -Mixed Question 3

Output Analysis -Mixed Questions 4

Schedule Module

Example 1

Exam Like Question 1

Assign Module

Example 2

Record module-Count

Assign Module -TNOW

Example 3

Record Module- Time Interval

Exam Like Question 2

Exam Like Question 3

Resource Set

Exam Like Question 4

Exam Like Question 5

Exam Like Question 6

Failure Module

Example 4

Example 5

Statistic Module

Exam Like Question 7

Arriving with a Schedule

Going to the shortest queue

Example 6

Exam Like Question 8


Shared Queue


Exam Like Qustion 9

Record into Sets

Exam Like Question 10


Example 7

Exam Like Question 11

Exam Like Question 12

Hold ve Signal

Example 8

Route and Station

Assign- Variable

Example 9


Sıla AtınçSıla Atınç

2019 Yılında Sabancı Üniversitesi Endüstri Mühendisliği programından dereceyle mezun oldum. Öğrenciliğim devam ederken başladığım bu serüvende başta Sabancı Üniversitesi olmak üzere 5 yıldır çeşitli okullarda Endüstri Mühendisliği dersleri vermekteyim.

1499 TL

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