NS 102Science of Nature IIMidterm

Correlation ve Causation, Greenhouse Effect, IR Absorption Graphs, Effective Radiative Temperature, Gas Equations, Work and Heat Formulas, P-V Diagrams, Reversible Isothermal Expansions, Internal Energy, Heat Capacity gibi konuları akıcı ve hızlı bir anlatımla öğrenip, özenle seçilmiş çıkmış sınav sorularını çözdüğümüz kursumuzla istediğin notlara ulaşabilirsin.

Püf noktaları veya tamamen konuları unutmuş olabilirsin ama dert etme. Kısa bir süre içerisinde midterm'e hazır olacaksın.

Öne Çıkan Değerlendirme


Serhat ErenSanat ve Sosyal Bilimler Programları

2 yıldan fazla önce

Ders Organizasyonu, Yardımcı Örnek Sorular

Ders gayet güzel organize edilmiş ve tam olarak hocaların beklediği kazanımlar verilmiş.


En sevilenler

  1. 6Ders Organizasyonu
  2. 5Yardımcı Örnek Sorular
  3. 4Eğitmen Anlatım Tarzı


Ders Tanıtımı

Kursa Başlamadan Önce


What is Correlation ?


Terms for Data Analysis


Positive and Negative Correlations

Correlation Types

What is Causation ?

What is Global Warming ?

First Evidence : Global Average Surface Temperature

Second Evidence : Arctic Ice


Third Evidence : Increasing Sea Levels

Fourth Evidence : CO2 Levels

Exam-like Questions : 1

Exam-like Questions : 2

Exam-like Questions : 3 to 5

Exam-like Questions : 6


Exam-like Questions: 7 and 8


Exam-like Questions : 9 to 11


Heat Energy and Radiation


Electromagnetic Spectrum


Blackbody Radiation I

Blackbody Radiation II

Blackbody Radiation III

Earth's Energy Budget I

Earth's Energy Budget II

Earth's Energy Budget III

Earth's Energy Budget IV

Earth's Energy Budget V

Greenhouse Gases

Exam-like Questions: 12

Exam-like Questions: 13


Exam-like Questions: 14


Exam-like Questions: 15

Exam-like Questions: 16

Exam-like Questions: 17


Exam-like Questions: 18


Exam-like Questions: 19


Exam-like Questions: 20


Exam-like Questions: 21

Exam-like Questions: 22


Exam-like Questions: 23

Exam-like Questions: 24


Exam-like Questions: 25


Composition of Atmosphere

Ozone Layer

Natural Ozone Cycle

Human Effect on Ozone

Effect of Radiation on Molecules

Chemical Properties of Greenhouse Gases : 1

Chemical Properties of Greenhouse Gases : 2

Chemical Properties of Greenhouse Gases : 3

IR Absorption of Earth

Absorption Graph Analysis

What is Wavenumber ?

IR Spectroscopy

Ideal Gas Equation : Assumptions and The Formula

Deviations From Ideal Gas Equation I : Introduction

Deviations From Ideal Gas Equation II : Volume Correction

Deviations From Ideal Gas Equation III : Pressure Correction

Deviations From Ideal Gas Equation IV : Van der Waals Equation

Introduction to Thermodynamics : The Zeroth Law

Exam-like Questions: 27


Exam-like Questions: 28

Exam-like Questions: 29

Exam-like Questions: 30

Önemli Bir Hatırlatma

Exam-like Questions: 31

Exam-like Questions: 32

Exam-like Questions: 33

Exam-like Questions: 34

Exam-like Questions: 35

Exam-like Questions: 36

Exam-like Questions: 37


Exam-like Questions: 38

Exam-like Questions: 39

Exam-like Questions: 40

Exam-like Questions: 41

Exam-like Questions: 42

Exam-like Questions: 43

Reversible Processes I : Introduction

Reversible Processes II : Infinitesimal Steps

Work I : General Work Formula

Work II : Work at Constant Pressure

Work III : P-V Diagrams

Reversible Isothermal Expansion I

Reversible Isothermal Expansion II

Irreversible Processes

First Law : Conversation of Energy

Work and Heat

Internal Energy I : Introduction

Internal Energy II : Change in Internal Energy

Internal Energy III : Special Cases

State and Path Functions

Isolated vs. Insulated Systems

Enthalpy I : Introduction

Enthalpy II : More on Enthalpy

Enthalpy of Ideal Gases

Endothermic and Exothermic Reactions

Heat I : Specific Heat and Heat Capacity

Heat II : Heat Formula

Special Case of Water

What About Global Warming ?

About Exam-like Questions

Exam-like Questions: 44


Exam-like Questions: 45

Exam-like Questions: 46

Exam-like Questions: 47

Exam-like Questions: 48

Exam-like Questions: 49

Exam-like Questions: 50

Exam-like Questions: 51

Exam-like Questions: 52


Exam-like Questions: 53

Exam-like Questions: 54

Exam-like Questions: 55

Exam-like Questions: 56

Exam-like Questions: 57

Exam-like Questions: 58

Exam-like Questions: 59

Exam-like Questions: 60

Exam-like Questions: 61

Spontaneous Processes

Non-spontaneous Processes

Enigma of First Law

What is Entropy ?

Entropy Formulas

Second Law of Thermodynamics I

Second Law of Thermodynamics II

Special Formula I : Entropy of Reversible and Isothermal Processes

Special Formula II : Entropy at Changing Temperature

Phase Transitions I

Phase Transitions II

Phase Transitions III : Entropy Formula

Entropy of the Surroundings I

Entropy of the Surroundings II : Special Cases

Entropy of the Surroundings III : Special Cases

Exam-like Questions: 62

Exam-like Questions: 63

Exam-like Questions: 64

Exam-like Questions: 65

Exam-like Questions: 66

Exam-like Questions: 68

Exam-like Questions: 69



Gibbs Free Energy I : Introduction

Gibbs Free Energy II

Gibbs Free Energy III

What is Chemical Equilibrium?

Gibbs Free Energy in Reactions

Phases : Entropy Comparison

Gibbs Free Energy : General Formula

Applying General Formula to Phase Transitions I : Constant Pressure

Applying General Formula to Phase Transitions II : Constant Temperature

Combustion Reactions

What Are Standart Values ?

Spontaneity and Kinetics

Exam-like Questions: 70


Exam-like Questions: 71

Exam-like Questions: 72

Exam-like Questions: 73

Exam-like Questions: 74

Exam-like Questions: 75

Exam-like Questions: 76

Reaction Profiles I : Introduction

Reaction Profiles II

What is Activation Energy ?

Reaction Profiles III : Activation Energy

Reaction Profiles IV : Reverse Activation Energy

Reaction Profiles V : Enthalpy Change

Reaction Rate : How to Increase ?

Reaction Rate II : How Do Catalysts Work ?

Energy Sources

Exam-like Questions: 77

Exam-like Questions: 78

Exam-like Questions: 79

Exam-like Questions: 80

Sample Midterm Problems








Question: 7.a









İbrahim Sunayİbrahim Sunay

Lise yıllarımdan beri üniversite düzeyinde dersler anlatıyorum. O yıllarda Biyoloji Olimpiyatları'na hazırlandım ve Türkiye genelinde 3.'lük ve 1.'lik kazandım. 4 yıldır çeşitli e-eğitim platformlarında içerik oluşturmaktayım. Üniversite dersleri için online kurs fikri uzun süredir aklımdaydı ve Unicourse ekibi ile bunu gerçekleştiriyoruz. Aynı zamanda okulumda retina epitelinin kök hücre temelli tedavisi alanında akademik çalışmalarıma devam etmekteyim. Koç Üniversitesi'nde Tıp fakültesi 4.sınıf öğrencisiyim.

1499 TL

Hemen Al

Bu ders ile kazanacakların:

  • Okuluna özel hazırlanmış dersler
  • Çıkmış sorular ve çözümleri
  • Örnek sınav soruları
  • İstediğin yerden erişim
  • Tekrar tekrar izleme
  • Kendi hızında öğrenme

Sıkça birlikte alınan dersler

Toplam:2998 TL

1499 TL
Hemen Al