Atılım Üniversitesi'ne özel dersler, soru çözümleri ve çıkmış sorular seni bekliyor. Hemen üye ol ve ücretsiz midterm dersini dene.
Ücretsiz Dersi AlHey Atılımlı!! Arkadaşlarından Gürkan hocayı duydun mu? Üst dönemlere sor bakalım, mutlaka Gürkan hocadan ders almışlardır.
İşte bu ders o Gürkan hocanın dersi! Yani ME 211 dersi düşündüğün kadar zor değil! Bu dersimizde gerçek bir üniversite hocası olan Gürkan hocamızın anlatımıyla tüm konuları kavrayacak, ardından da geçmiş senelerde sorulmuş ve sınavda çıkabilecek sorularla antreman yapabileceksin. Konular: - General Principles - Forces - Moments - Equilibrium of a Rigid Body - Structural Analysis - Moment of Inertia for Cross-Sectional Areas
General Principles
Introduction and Fundamental Concepts
Units of Measurement and Numerical Calculations
Force Vectors
Vector Operations, Vector Addition of Forces
Resultant Force Example-1
Vector Components Example
Resultant Force Example-2
Addition of Coplanar Forces
Resultant of Coplanar Forces Example-1
Cartesian Vectors
Cartesian Vectors Example-1
Cartesian Vectors Example-2
Cartesian Vectors Example-3
Position Vectors, Unit Vector and Force Vector Along A Line
Position Vector Example-1
Force Vector Example-1
Position Vector Example-2
Position Vector Example-3
Dot (Scalar) Product of Vectors
Dot Product Example-1
Dot Product Example-2
Dot Product Example-3
Chapter Review
Equilibrium of a Particle
Equilibrium, How to Draw a Free Body Diagram (FBD)
Coplanar Force Systems (Equilibrium in 2D)
Coplanar Force Systems Example-1
Coplanar Force Systems Example-2
Three Dimensional Force Systems (Equilibrium in 3D)
Three Dimensional Force Systems Example-1
Three Dimensional Force Systems Example-2
Chapter Review
Force System Resultants
What is Moment?
Moment of a Force: Scalar Formulation
Moment of a Force: Vector Formulation
Moment of a Force Example-1
Moment of a Force Example-2
Moment of Force Components: Varignon's Theorem
Moment of Force Components Example
Moment of a Force About an Axis
Moment About an Axis Example
Moment of a Couple
Moment of a Couple Example-1
Moment of a Couple Example-2
Simplification of a Force and Couple System
Reduction to a Given Point Example
Further Simplifications of a Force and Couple System
Reduction to a Single Force Example
Reduction of a Parallel Force System Example
Reduction of a Simple Distributed Loading
Distributed Loading Example
Chapter Review
Equilibrium of a Rigid Body
Equilibrium in Two Dimensions
Free Body Diagram Example-1
Free Body Diagram Example-2
Equations of Equilibrium in 2-D
Equilibrium in 2-D Example-1
Equilibrium in 2-D Example-2
Equilibrium in 2-D Example-3
Equilibrium in 2-D Example-4
Two and Three Force Members
Equilibrium in Three Dimensions
Free Body Diagram in 3-D Example
Equations of Equilibrium in 3-D
Equilibrium in 3-D Example
Constraints and Statical Determinacy
Chapter Review
Practice Problems
Vectors (Resultant and Components Along Given Axes)
Vectors (3D Vectors and Direction Cosines)
Equilibrium in of a Particle
Equilibrium of a Particle in 2D
Equilibrium of a Rigid Body in 2D
Moment of a Couple in 3D
Moment of a Force About an Axis
Equilibrium of a Rigid Body in 3D
Structural Analysis
Simple Trusses, Method of Joints
Method of Joints Example-1
Method of Joints Example-2
Zero Force Members (ZFMs)
Zero Force Members Example
Method of Joints Example-3
Method of Sections
Method of Sections Example-1
Method of Sections Example-2
Space Trusses
Space Trusses Example
Frames and Machines
Frames and Machines Example-1
Frames and Machines Example-2
Frames and Machines Example-3
Chapter Review
Internal Forces
Internal Loadings in Structural Members
Internal Loadings at a Point Example-1
Internal Loadings at a Point Example-2
Shear and Moments Equations and Diagrams: Method of Sections
Diagrams with Method of Sections Example-1
Diagrams with Method of Sections Example-2
Relations Between Internal Loads: Graphical Approach
Diagrams with Graphical Approach Example-1
Diagrams with Graphical Approach Example-2
Cables with Concentrated Loads
Cables with Concentrated Loads Example
Cables with Distributed Loads
Cables with Distributed Loads Example
Cables with Their Own Weight
Chapter Review
Center of Gravity and Centroids
Center of Gravity, Mass, Volume and Centroid of an Area
Centroid of an Area Under a Function Example-1
Centroid of an Area Under a Function Example-2
Centroid of a Curved Line
Centroid of a Composite Area
Centroid of a Composite Area Example
Centroid of a Composite Line Example
Centroid of a Composite Volume Example
Theorems of Pappus and Guldinus
Pappus and Guldinus Example
Chapter Review
Moment of Inertia
Moment of Inertia Under a Function, Parallel Axis Theorem, Radius of Gyration
Moment of Inertia Under a Function Example
Moment of Inertia for Composite Areas
Moment of Inertia for Composite Area Example
Chapter Review
Exam Like Questions
Vectors (Conceptual Question)
Equilibrium of Rigid Body in 2D
Equilibrium for Rigid Body in 3D
Equilibrium of Rigid Body in 3D
Force System Resultants
Force System Resultants
Equilibrium of Rigid Body in 3D
Equilibrium in 3D (Moment About an Axis)
Equilibrium in 3D (Moment About an Axis)
Structural Analysis: Trusses
Structural Analysis: Trusses
Structural Analysis: Trusses
Structural Analysis: Trusses
Structural Analysis: Trusses
Structural Analysis: Frames and Machines
Structural Analysis: Frames and Machines
Structural Analysis: Frames and Machines
Structural Analysis: Frames and Machines
Structural Analysis: Frames and Machines
Structural Analysis: Frames and Machines
Structural Analysis: Frames and Machines
Internal Forces
Internal Forces
Internal Forces: Shear Force and Moment Diagrams
Internal Forces: Shear Force and Moment Diagrams
Internal Forces: Shear Force and Moment Diagrams
Internal Forces: Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams
Internal Forces: Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams
Area Moment of Inertia
Area Moment of Inertia
Area Moment of Inertia
Area Moment of Inertia
Centroid and Moment of Inertia
Öğr. Üy.
Orta Doğu Tekn. Üni.'den derece ile mezun olduktan sonra yüksek lisans ve doktora çalışmalarımı da yurt dışında tamamladım. Ardından aynı üniversitede öğretim üyesi olarak görev yaptım. Üniversite öğrencisi olmanın ne demek olduğunu unutmayarak, dersleri öğrencilerimin gözünden anlatmanın ve onlara özel anlama yolları geliştirmenin önemini çok iyi biliyorum. Öğretmenin aslında bir "sanat" olduğunu biliyorum ve bu sanatı sizlere gösterebilmek için buradayım.
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